If you previously created an account but cannot remember what email address you used when you created the account, please try to sign up as a new user. If you are prevented from signing up and receive a message that your social security number was matching another account, please use our Contact Member Support Form to notify us. In the description section of the form, please be sure to provide the email address associated with the most recent account that you created, full name and your date of birth. We will do some research and will provide you with further instructions.
Articles in this section
- How do I reset my password?
- How do I change my email or phone number?
- How often will my Credit Sesame profile update?
- There is something incorrect on my credit profile.
- How do I unsubscribe from email?
- How do I contact Credit Sesame Customer Support?
- How do I cancel & close my account?
- I forgot my email address.
- How can I put a fraud alert on my credit report?
- Why am I unable to create an account?
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