The credit data in your Credit Sesame account comes from your TransUnion credit report. Credit Sesame cannot remove inaccurate data from your TransUnion credit report on your behalf. If you don't recognize an account, be aware that it could be an account where you are only a co-signer, co-borrower or authorize user. If you believe that you may have an error in your TransUnion credit report data, we recommend that you dispute any inaccurate information directly with TransUnion via their website or by calling toll free 800-916-8800.
Articles in this section
- What types of accounts typically report on my credit report?
- What is a "thin" credit file?
- Why doesn't my account appear on my credit report?
- Why is the balance on my account incorrect on my credit report?
- What is a collection account?
- I don't recognize accounts appearing on my credit report?
- Where can I get my TransUnion credit report?
- What is credit utilization?
- Why is my credit score important?
- How do I remove an account or negative remark that has been paid off or resolved?
That was my x wif especially thank you very much
U say that credit sesame can't file disputes on my behalf that I need to do so by going through the TransUnion website which wants to charge me almost $30 to sign up!! I have bad/no credit so where in ur right mind do u think I have and/ or can aquire the money for the fee?! Obviously I don't have money otherwise my debt would be paid and I'd have better credit!!
There's an account for Citi that's not mine and it's added a bew authorized user as of 3/7/2021
Can't login
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