Creditors typically only report to the credit bureaus once a month. This means that when you see a copy of your credit report, your balances could be up to 30 days old. If you are paying off a liability, you may need to wait up to 30 days to see that hit your credit report.
Articles in this section
- What types of accounts typically report on my credit report?
- What is a "thin" credit file?
- Why doesn't my account appear on my credit report?
- Why is the balance on my account incorrect on my credit report?
- What is a collection account?
- I don't recognize accounts appearing on my credit report?
- Where can I get my TransUnion credit report?
- What is credit utilization?
- Why is my credit score important?
- How do I remove an account or negative remark that has been paid off or resolved?
Be always Carefully thanks alot
Be always carefully thanks alot
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