If you see a charge on your bank or credit card statement for services from Credit Sesame and you've never heard of us before there are a few possibilities that you'll want to consider. Is it possible that a relative or spouse could have enrolled in the service for you using your credit card? Is it possible that you might have just forgotten about enrolling in Credit Sesame services?
If neither of those possibilities are likely, then it is possible that your credit or debit card may have been compromised and fraudulently used on our site. If you believe that your credit or debit card may have been fraudulently used, please email our security team immediately at security@creditsesame.com so that we can open an investigation. In the email please provide the your first and last name, the amount and date of the charge and the last 4 digits of your debit or credit card.
A charge from Credit Sesame for our premium service might appear as one of the following:
- CREDIT SESAME 650-6412782 CA
- CREDIT SESAME 855-799-9111 CA
- CREDIT SESAME 855-7999111 CA
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