

  • Hi Linda Calton.

    Since we are not affiliated with the IRS, we cannot state with any kind of certainty if someone will get a payment; however, you can check your status on this IRS site.

    Neither being a Social Security nor a Disability recipient will disqualify you. This is direct from the IRS:

    You may be eligible to receive a Payment if you:

    *Are a U.S. citizen or U.S. resident alien;

    *Cannot be claimed as a dependent on someone elseā€™s return;

    *Have a Social Security number (SSN) that is valid for employment (valid SSN);

    *Exception: If either spouse is a member of the U.S. Armed Forces at any time during the taxable year, then only one spouse needs to have a valid SSN

    *Have adjusted gross income below an amount based on your filing status and the number of your qualifying children.

    Additional information about eligibility for the Payment can be found here:

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  • Linda CaltonĀ this news about when SSI recipients will get their payments just hit the news today. We hope it will help you.

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