When you pay off a loan or credit card, it may take up to 30 days for the bank to report your updated balance to the credit bureau. It can take additional time for that updated information to make its way into your Credit Sesame account because we update your data once a month..
Articles in this section
- What types of accounts typically report on my credit report?
- What is a "thin" credit file?
- Why doesn't my account appear on my credit report?
- Why is the balance on my account incorrect on my credit report?
- What is a collection account?
- I don't recognize accounts appearing on my credit report?
- Where can I get my TransUnion credit report?
- What is credit utilization?
- Why is my credit score important?
- How do I remove an account or negative remark that has been paid off or resolved?
The card at Credit One Bank was paid off in March that’s over 30 days. I do not owe 1200.00 on that card. It’s a 0 Balance! And has been since April. TransUnion giving false information. Or you are! It’s old! Irrelevant! Swiss Colony and Montgomery Ward paid in advance. Paid over 50% . Your information is bad.
My credit score keeps dropping with this app I paid off a lot of bills and it's still not report credit score in the 700 I have a lot of red Mark's reporting that should not be there why do they not update credit report often more often
Never been late on a bill never always been on time paying my bills is still not reporting on time someone needs to fix this quickly
I have paid off one of my bad credit marks years ago. I opened it in 2016 and paid it off in 2017 and now we are in 2020 and it is still on my credit report why?
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