Consumers are often surprised to discover that not all of their bills are reported to credit bureaus. The types of accounts that do typically report to credit bureaus include: credit and charge cards, installment loans, home loans, auto loans, and collection accounts. Also, certain public record items such as bankruptcies and tax liens can appear on your credit report as well. Typically, common bills such as rent, utility payment, mobile phone payments and payday loans do not report to credit bureaus and thus won't help you build credit, even if you are making your payments on time.
Articles in this section
- What types of accounts typically report on my credit report?
- What is a "thin" credit file?
- Why doesn't my account appear on my credit report?
- Why is the balance on my account incorrect on my credit report?
- What is a collection account?
- I don't recognize accounts appearing on my credit report?
- Where can I get my TransUnion credit report?
- What is credit utilization?
- Why is my credit score important?
- How do I remove an account or negative remark that has been paid off or resolved?
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